I am still running

Yes, I am still running 3 times a week; 4 miles each on weekdays and 8 miles on weekend.  I have been on this running schedule since last April.  Normally, I should have been able to run faster, but to the contrary, I am running slower than I did last year.  Last year, I can run 4 miles in 33 to 36 min easily.  But this year, I can only manage 40 min (sometimes even slower) for 4 miles.  I am not sure what have happened to me, but I know it all started when the weather got very cold.  After that, I have never been able to recover to last year’s speed.

Well, I guess I don’t care about speed anymore; I hate running after all.  So running has become just part of my life, a routine, a chore–boring and painful.

Sometimes I do get excited when I come across other runners, especially female runners.  My blood would boil and my pace would quicken because I don’t want to run slower than a female runner.  But the young female runners usually overtook me and left me behind in shame 🙂

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4 Responses to I am still running

  1. Jian says:

    Hey, Jiang-ning. I am running three times one week too. 🙂 And it is 5 kilometers per time.

  2. Leitao says:

    哈哈,Sometimes I do get excited when I come across other runners, especially female runners. 这个还挺真实,老美跑步的年轻女的有的身材还真好!

  3. Jiang-ning says:

    Hi, KevinIt\’s great you started the running! Next step is to make it two short runs (5 kilometers) and a long run on weekend (probably 10 kilos). Even though I hate running, being able to run a distance in the morning still makes me feel that I have at least accomplished something and that starts my day in a high note.

  4. Jiang-ning says:

    Hi, LeitaoYes, you only see fit people running outside. I guess many overweight people are running indoors on treadmills. Haha, Chinese kids are getting fatter, 15% overweight, eating at McDonald\’s and KFC,

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